Sonsonn Motivation

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Powerful Insights: 5 Quotes By Theodore Roosevelt to Live By

Theodore Roosevelt’s advice has been passed down from generation to generation and continues to help people live meaningful lives. We are going to delve into five powerful quotes by Theodore Roosevelt. These quotes show how dedicated Roosevelt was to bravery, persistence, and moral standards. But who was Theodore Roosevelt?

Theodore Roosevelt, also known as Teddy Roosevelt, was born on October 27, 1858, in New York, and died January 6, 1919, in Oyster Bay, New York. He was the 26th president of the United States, serving from 1901 to 1909, and was also a writer, naturalist, and soldier. The president and the federal government were given more power to help the people in conflicts between big business and labor during his presidency. He also led the country to play a bigger role in world politics, especially in Asia and Europe. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906 for helping to end the Russo-Japanese War.

Let’s dive into these powerful insights through these five quotes by Theodore Roosevelt.

Top 5 Powerful Quotes by Theodore Roosevelt

Believe you can and you’re halfway there

This powerful quote by Theodore Roosevelt hits at the heart of self-belief and how it can help you reach your goals. Anyone who wants to be successful, grow as a person, or deal with difficulties can learn a lot from this short but profound statement.

In another quote by Marcus Aurelius that says Our life is what our thoughts make it, we spoke about the Four-Minute Barrier. We discussed how, because people didn’t believe that it was possible to break the Four-Minute Barrier, no one ever did. After one person did it, everyone else followed.

This shows us that success truly is a state of mind. You have to believe that you can be successful, to accomplish anything. As Mr. Roosevelt states, you’re already halfway there if you can only believe that you can. So that when challenges come, you know that if you persevere, you’ll surely reach your goal.

This quote is a strong reminder of how self-belief can change our lives. The mind is powerful. That is the greatest key when it comes to reaching our goals—the state of our mind. However, you must also keep in mind that belief isn’t everything. It gets you half way there; the other half is consistent work and patience. It is when the three are brought together that they are the most effective. So, believe you can, work hard, and wait.

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are”

This short but profound sentence sums up a powerful way of thinking about life, work, and fixing problems. We must use the tools and chances that are available to us right now to take action. 

“Do what you can” first and foremost stresses how important it is to act. This tells us not to let the size of a problem or job get to us. After all, the thousand-mile journey begins with a single step. The more you think about what you can do, the more likely you are to make progress toward your goals, no matter how small. It encourages us to have a positive attitude, in which we recognize that we have the power to bring about change or progress.

The quote also stresses how important it is to be resourceful and flexible. It is important to make the most of the things you have, which is what “with what you have” means. This could include the tools you have, your time, your skills, and what you know. Don’t get stuck on thinking about what you don’t have, which can stop you from doing anything. We must shift our perspective: to focus on what we do have, make the most of it, and understand that limitations can lead to creativity and new ideas.

“Where you are” makes you think about the present and what you are going through right now. It stresses that you shouldn’t wait for things to be “perfect” or better before taking action. Waiting for the perfect time can cause you to put things off and miss out on chances. Therefore, make the most of the present moment and act from where you are.

As a whole, this amazing quote by Theodore Roosevelt is an encouragement to act, be creative, and be present. Remember that you can change your life for the better by focusing on your skills, making the most of the resources you have, and acting in the present moment. This way of thinking pushes you to be proactive and take charge of your life, which lets you move forward even when you are limited.

“If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn’t sit for a month”

People tend to find it easier to blame others for their problems and misfortunes than to own up to their own mistakes. This funny statement captures this truth. 

It is natural for people to look for someone else to blame when they are having a bad time. That seems to be the easy way out. The quote makes fun of the stupidity of this idea by saying that kicking the person guilty would cause long-lasting pain. This is because where we are in life is mostly our fault and no one else’s. I recently watched a documentary on how, in a certain country, sugary foods and drinks were causing a lot of obesity, especially in kids. The people blamed the companies that make those beverages rather than themselves for consuming them. As I was watching this, I was completely blown away. Instead of changing their diets by making their own meals and drinks, they protested so that the government could make those companies change the amount of sugar added to their products.

Now, I don’t want to be unrealistic; I understand that some people don’t have the funds to always eat healthy. Sometimes, life doesn’t allow it; maybe you’re too busy or organic things are too expensive. I understand; however, I can’t blame a company for consuming their products. As hard as it may be, I would be at fault.

This is not an isolated incident. We all have those moments in our lives where we try to put the blame on someone else. The key lesson here is to take responsibility for our situations and actions. Luke Belmar has a quote that he always repeats and it is, “The life you live is the life that you choose”. Whatever situation you’re in, you can get out of it if you actually try. Some people will find excuses as to why they are where they are. Ultimately, it’s your fault. Don’t blame God, a company, or other people; blame you. If you are poor, you don’t have to stay poor. Chances are, if you can see this post, that means you have a phone or a computer, and internet access. Use it, learn a skill; there are so many free resources out there. 

In conclusion, Theodore Roosevelt’s quote cleverly shows how people tend to blame others for their problems and avoid taking responsibility for their own actions. We should take responsibility for our actions and choices, since that’s the best way to improve ourselves and solve problems.

With self-discipline most anything is possible

Yet another powerful quote by Theodore Roosevelt. Having self-discipline is important for success and reaching your full potential. People who have this important trait can get past problems, keep going even when things get tough, and finally make their dreams come true. People with self-discipline can stay focused on their goals, form good habits, and keep up their efforts over time.

Self-discipline is the ability to manage your actions, thoughts, and feelings so that you can reach a goal. If we take, for example, someone trying to lose weight, they need self-discipline. I know I love to use losing weight as an analogy. If you’ve seen my previous posts, it pops up a lot.

When you’re trying to lose weight, when the cravings come, you have to be able to resist them. I know it may smell or taste good, but you and I both know it is not good for you. On those days when you don’t want to get up to go to the gym, you have to push yourself to go. That is because once you are in the gym, you have to do something; you can’t simply leave without doing anything. However, self-discipline is not just doing this once. True self-discipline is when you don’t really want to do any of those things mentioned, but you push yourself and do them anyway on multiple occasions.

That is exactly why this quote by Theodore Roosevelt is so true and powerful. This doesn’t only apply to losing weight, it applies to everything else. That is because you are denying yourself any form of instant gratification in hopes of bettering yourself. You are discarding everything that may cause you to veer off the original path.

Of course, it is easier said than done, but it’s not impossible. You may not succeed every single time at denying yourself, but if you do succeed most of the time, that’s also good. No one is perfect. Be as consistent as possible in whatever you are doing, no matter what happens. Stay on course, don’t veer off, and you will realize that almost anything is possible for those who are disciplined.

“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing”

This powerful quote by Theodore Roosevelt describes the thought process we should all have when making decisions. Most of the time in our lives, we are placed in a position where we have to make tough decisions. Roosevelt says there are only three possible courses of action. 

The first part of the quote says, “the best thing you can do is the right thing.” This means that, in a moment of decision, the best possible outcome is actually doing the right thing. However, at that moment, it may not feel like that would be the case. The second part says, “the next best thing is the wrong thing”. This part means that you may not always make the right decision, there’s a chance you might make the wrong one. And that’s OK; it is still considered the next best thing in Roosevelt’s book. The third part says “the worst thing you can do is nothing”. People often put things off because they are afraid, unsure, or don’t want to make a mistake. But doing nothing can cause you to miss opportunities and remain stagnant. This mentality gets in the way of success and personal growth.

With this mentality, decision-making becomes much easier. Knowing that there are only three possibilities and that the last one is definitely not an option, simplifies things. So you must remember whenever you have to make any sort of decision where you’re uncertain, make a decision and don’t stay stagnant. Do something, because if you do the right thing, great, and if you do the wrong thing, good. Now learn from it. That’s all there is to it.


These five powerful quotes by Theodore Roosevelt show us why he was a great leader and president. In only five quotes, we caught a glimpse into his mind. We learned discipline, self-belief, decision-making, taking responsibility, and much more. Here is a brief summary of what we’ve discussed. We learned:

  1. It is important to believe in yourself in order to reach your goals. Not only is self-belief important, but so is consistent hard work and patience. You can get through tough times and be successful, all you have to do is believe you can first.
  2. It is important to act, be creative, and not wait for the perfect moment. We shouldn’t focus on what we can’t do or what we don’t have. We should make do with what we do have.
  3. It’s easy to put the blame on others instead of taking responsibility for our own actions. Sometimes, our situation is mostly our own fault and not anyone else’s. The most important lesson is that we need to be accountable for our actions and decisions because that helps us get better and solve problems.
  4. It is important to have self-discipline if you want to succeed. To reach your goals, you have to control your actions, thoughts, and feelings. So that when the urges come, you are able to resist them for the sake of the goal at hand. Since no one is perfect, the key to success is to be as consistent as you can.
  5. When faced with a hard decision, Roosevelt gives us three options for what to do: the right thing, the wrong thing, or nothing at all. This way of thinking makes it easier to make choices and pushes us to act when we don’t know what to do. It is best to act, it doesn’t matter if it is right or wrong. This is because the worst thing you can do is nothing.

Thank you for your time. I hope you learned something. Make sure to take one thing and meditate on it. Put something into practice today, act now, for there is no perfect moment.


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Hi, I’m Sonsonn. I am but a mere writer passionate about personal growth and helping others. Writing to excite and inspire readers to realize their greatest potential.


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