Sonsonn Motivation

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Words of Wisdom: 5 Inspirational Quotes by Nelson Mandela

As stated in the title, we are going to analyze inspirational quotes by Nelson Mandela. He was a South African revolutionary and political leader who fought against racism. He fought against the apartheid government in South Africa, which forced racial segregation and discrimination, all his life.

Mandela spent 27 years in prison. During that time, he became a symbol of the anti-apartheid fight and became known around the world. On February 11, 1990, he was finally set free after growing pressure from both inside and outside the country.

After he got out of prison, Mandela was a key figure in ending apartheid and setting up a democratic government in South Africa. He was the first black president of the country, from 1994 to 1999. As president, Mandela tried to bring people together and help the country heal. He put policies in place to get rid of the effects of apartheid and promote racial harmony.

Many people think that Nelson Mandela was one of the most important people of the 20th century. His leadership and efforts have been praised all over the world, and in 1993, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Mandela died on December 5th, 2013, but his work as a supporter of human rights and freedom continues to inspire people all over the world.

His life has remained an inspiration for all of us today. This is why Nelson Mandela is the perfect candidate to analyze in this article.

Top Five Inspirational Quotes by Nelson Mandela

“It always seems impossible until it’s done”

Inspirational Quote By Nelson Mandela

This quote by Nelson Mandela is a strong reminder that we all have the power to solve problems and reach our goals. When we start to do something for the first time, it can seem hard or even impossible. We might have self-doubt, not know what to do, or run into problems that make us want to give up. But the truth is that most goals that are worth pursuing are not easy to reach. They need a lot of hard work, commitment, and determination.

The feeling of being unable to do something can be brief and doesn’t always reflect reality. Miyamoto Musashi has a similar quote that says “It may seem difficult at first, but everything is difficult at first”. That’s just the way it is but, with some patience and perseverance, things that once seemed impossible can become possible. Failures and setbacks are a normal part of the road to success, and the only way to get past them is to keep going.

So even if our goals seem impossible at first, we can overcome the things that stand in our way and do great things if we work hard and persevere.

“After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb”

Inspirational Quotes By Nelson Mandela

A powerful quote by the late great Nelson Mandela. It means that when you achieve a big goal or overcome a tough challenge, you’ll come to realize that there is much more you can achieve and a lot more challenges to overcome. There is always something, no matter where you are in your life, there is always a mountain to climb. Whether it be physically, mentally, or spiritually. 

If we take for example, losing weight. Tim wants to lose weight, but he first has to climb the hill of eating right. After consistently doing so, he must exercise consistently. Tim will finally lose the weight, but he has a long way to go, Tim has to keep exercising and eating right if he wants to maintain what he worked so hard to attain. But assuming that Tim remains persistent, eating right and exercising will only become second nature to him. He no longer has to think deeply about whether to exercise or not; he just does it. Do you think Tim will just stop there? I wouldn’t. He just achieved his fitness goal that he worked so hard for. Now he’s going to feel as if anything is possible if he works hard and persists. So he’s going to move on to the next hill.  

That’s how it should be for everyone, we shouldn’t be content with just conquering one mountain in our lives. We should move on to the next, then the next. I know you’re wondering, when does it stop? You must come to understand that success is more of a journey than a goal. Even if we reach our goals, we still need to push ourselves to keep growing, learning, and keep getting better.

The philosopher Seneca has a quote that states “It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness”. This signifies that the road to success is never easy, and along the way, we will face problems and hurdles. But if we keep our resolve and keep going, we can get through any problem and reach our goals.

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear”

Courage is not a lack of fear. It’s being able to face your fears and act anyway.

Many people think that being brave means not being afraid of anything. This is not the case at all. Unless you have Urbach-Wiethe, which is an extremely rare disease where an individual is devoid of fear. There have only been a handful of confirmed cases. 

Fear is a normal and often helpful feeling that can help us spot danger and act on it. Even the bravest people get scared every once in a while. What makes them different is that they can face their fears and act anyway. This is a key part of becoming brave. When we face our fears, we can learn from the experience and grow as a result. By doing things even though we’re scared, we build resilience and gain confidence in our ability to handle hard conditions.

So, Mandela’s words encourage us to change how we think about courage. It’s not about having no fear at all. It’s far from it; instead, it’s about facing fear head-on and overcoming it.

“Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated and passionate about what they do”

This powerful adage by Nelson Mandela shows how important determination, perseverance, and enthusiasm are to success.

Everyone faces problems in their lives. Circumstances sometimes become grim. Tragedy strikes, and bad things happen that make us want to lose hope. Let’s take for example, a single male child, raised by a single mom who has to struggle to get by. There are countless stories of people just like this all over the internet. When I hear those stories, there are always two outcomes.

The first outcome is because of the lack of a father figure in this child’s life. He has no sense of direction and no sort of manly discipline or guidance, which leads him to look to friends for guidance. This child falls into all types of degeneracy, and the rest is history.

The other outcome is the more desirable outcome. This is where, despite all that the child has been through, whether it’s his lack of a father figure, indifference from his peers, no sense of direction, just a feeling of being alone, or just how his mom has to work so hard to make ends meet. This child creates a goal to get out of this situation. As he sees how much his mom has to struggle by herself. He uses all these seemingly bad things to drive him and catapult him to success.

Though we may not all be in the same situation, we may not all be from a single-parent family, the same applies to us. We need to not let the circumstances beat us down or take us down the wrong path. As we see in the second outcome, the child did not let his circumstances dictate the direction of his life.

Different people have different ideas about what success means. For some, it might be making a lot of money. For others, it might be finding personal happiness or making a good difference in the world. No matter how you define success, the quote says that anyone can get there if they have the right attitude.

“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies”

Resentment is a long-lasting feeling of anger or bitterness toward someone or something, usually because of something you think was done wrongly or unfairly. It’s a bad feeling that can affect someone’s thoughts, feelings, and actions. Resentment is compared to drinking poison. It means that hanging on to resentment is self-destructive and bad for your health in the long run.

Then there’s the second part of the quote. You are resenting your enemy, but you are hoping that they are the ones who get killed. The reality is that, the person who holds on to that resentment is the only one who suffers from it. For all we know, your “enemy” can be on a yacht in Monaco, celebrating life. But you, on the other hand, are exerting all your energy on bitterness. 

The quote’s meaning is a warning to let go of anger and focus on personal growth, motivation, and inspiration. Nelson Mandela is the perfect example of this, as he spent 27 years in jail for fighting against apartheid in South Africa, but instead of being angry at those who put him there, he chose to focus on forgiveness, reconciliation, and unity.

Mandela’s unwavering commitment to justice, equality, and improving the world served as his motivation and inspiration. His famous sayings, like “Education is the most powerful tool you can use to change the world” and “It always seems impossible until it’s done” show how hopeful he was and how much he believed in the power of positive action and sticking with something until it was done.
In conclusion, we must all focus on what’s important. Resentment is poison, so let it go and be free. The Bible says “vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord”, whether you believe in God or not this applies to you. If you hold on for too long, the bitterness turns to anger and hatred. With all the hatred in your heart, it will eventually lead to vengeance. Without realizing that it is not up to you to seek vengeance. I’ll say it again, LET GO AND BE FREE.


Nelson Mandela is truly an inspirational soul and a legendary figure. He may be gone, but he most certainly isn’t forgotten. His actions will continue to echo through the fabric of time in the hearts of men. In these inspirational quotes, we learned:

  1. We all have the power to solve problems and reach our goals. Failures and setbacks are part of the road to success. It may seem difficult at first, but we can overcome it if we work hard and persevere.
  2. Success is more of a journey than a goal. Even if we reach our goals, we still need to push ourselves to keep growing, learning, and getting better.
  3. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to face our fears and act anyway. Fear is a normal and helpful feeling that can help us spot danger and act on it. By doing things even though we’re scared, we build resilience and gain confidence in our ability to handle hard conditions.
  4. The importance of determination, perseverance, and enthusiasm for success. We need to develop a growth mindset, work hard, and follow our interests with determination and keenness.
  5. Resentment is a long-lasting feeling of anger or bitterness towards someone or something, usually due to something unfairly done. It is self-destructive and bad for your health in the long run. We must all focus on what’s important, let resentment go, and be free.

I implore you, readers, to not only read this article but to actually try to implement one thing into your life. So that little by little, we can become better and improved humans.

Thank you for your time. I will catch you on the next one. ✌

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Hi, I’m Sonsonn. I am but a mere writer passionate about personal growth and helping others. Writing to excite and inspire readers to realize their greatest potential.


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