Sonsonn Motivation

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5 Motivational Quotes by Confucius to Become a Better Person

Many people believe that Confucius is one of the most significant individuals in Chinese history and philosophy. This is why he the right person to get these motivational quotes. His teachings have had a significant impact on Chinese culture and society. Confucius’ ideas have been adapted and incorporated into not only the Chinese culture but many different cultures and societies, and continue to be relevant today.

Many of his quotes and sayings are still widely used as a source of motivational wisdom. Confucius’ philosophy placed a strong emphasis on the value of education, societal and personal virtue, and the right use of authority. His theories were based on the premise that a society in which people are led by a strong sense of responsibility, respect for tradition, and a dedication to the greater good is one that is well-ordered.

Confucius, who was the guy anyways?

Confucius was a Chinese philosopher, educator, and politician who lived from 551 to 479 BCE during the Spring and Autumn period of Chinese history. His teachings have had a significant impact on Chinese culture and society, making him one of the most significant characters in Chinese history. Kung Fuzi, which translates to “Master Kong,” is the Chinese philosopher’s original name; Confucius is the Latinized version.

Confucianism, one of the most prominent philosophical systems in Chinese history, was later evolved from the ideas and teachings of Confucius. His ideals were also adopted by several other nations and societies, and they are still studied and revered today.

Top Five Motivational Quotes by Confucius?

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop”

In this modern world, everything we want, it has to come quick. No one wants to wait for anything at all. We don’t even let our crops or livestock grow on their own anymore. As a result, they are loaded with chemicals to speed up growth instead of waiting on nature to take its course.

So, you want to lose weight fast? Never fear, there’s a pill for that! Oh, you also want to get rich quick? There are articles, Youtube Videos and Courses claiming to be able to teach you how to do that. Not that they’d work anyway. The truth about all this content that’ll make you rich is that, it’s all CLICKBAIT. Content creators know that people desire to become wealthy quickly, so they emphasize it in the headline and thumbnail to draw attention. Even if some people are aware of the fact, there isn’t a real, effective get-rich-quick method. They’ll still click on it anyways because deep down, that is what they truly desire. This is the mentality we have adopted nowaday. Some have dubbed it the “Microwave Mentality”. We want everything done quickly. 

We need to adopt the old way of doing things. Back then, patience was the foundation of everything. Whether you wanted wealth, to be in a position of power, to build a relationship or to grow your own food, you had to work hard and then wait. 

Confucius in this powerful motivational quote states that it doesn’t matter how slow you go, just don’t stop. It’s means that progress, no matter how small or slow, is still progress and should be valued. After all, SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE. If you’re trying to lose weight and gain muscle, your first few months, you won’t really see any difference. All the changes are happening within. After sometime, if you remain consistent, then you will start to see real change. Imagine if you stopped midway, and said that nothing is working for you. You not only would lose the progress that you already made, but you would go back to right where you started again. For that reason, the two important points are CONSISTENCY and PATIENCE. If you can master those two things, then you can achieve just about anything in life.

So I encourage you reader, be patient and be consistent. What ever you are trying to achieve, let patience be the foundation and be consistent in determination.

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall”

The thought of failure is a very scary one. Being afraid to fail can lead to a lot of missed opportunities. Opportunities to learn and improve. Elon Musk is the greatest representation of this, he has failed so many times. Yet, if you are naming billionaires, he’s has got to be in the top 10.

He has failed multiple rocket launches with SpaceX, he almost went bankrupt, he had failed Tesla vehicles. I am just naming a few things, the point is that, despite all of this he didn’t let any of this stop him. He kept going until he succeeded. He failed, learned and evolved.

In this quote, Confucius emphasizes the value of resilience and perseverance in the face of setbacks. It implies that failing or falling is a normal part of the path to success. True greatness is determined by one’s ability to bounce back after failing not by the absence of failure. So I exhort you to learn from your mistakes and use them as inspiration to keep pursuing your objectives rather than giving up after encountering a few setbacks.

Do not fear failure, it is an inevitable part of your journey. You are not perfect, you are fallible and that’s ok. The important thing is not to drown in self pity and get up, try again. Because, you are not a failure until you quit.

“When anger rises, think of the consequences”

When anger rises, think of the consequences - Confucius Motivational Quotes

To build anything, it takes a significant amount of time. Thousands of years ago, it took up to 20 years to build the great Pyramid of Giza that still stands today. This is why it is such a valuable part of the Egyptian culture. The point is that valuable things take a long time to build. Whether you’re building real physical structures or just building relationships, it takes a long time.

But anger is like a wrecking ball; just a few seconds of angry words can destroy what it took years to build. It can have a lasting impact on people and their relationships. This is what makes anger even more dangerous. A physical structure can be destroyed and rebuilt with no evidence of the previous damage. But in a relationship, angry and emotional responses leave deep wounds. And if there are deep wounds, there will be greater scars. You may never be able to build anything up with that person again. And if you do manage to start over and move pass that moment, this deep emotional scar will remain.

Anger can be a strong emotion that causes people to act impulsively and hurtfully. Since anger may destroy relationships and have long-term effects, it is crucial to recognize it and control it in a healthy way. 

In this adage, Confucius is trying to remind us to pause and consider the potential consequences of acting on anger. Anger can cloud your judgment and lead to actions that may have negative consequences. Instead, taking a moment to think before responding can help diffuse the situation and prevent regret later on. Remember, anger is like a wrecking ball, it will destroy what it took a long time to build in seconds. So please, think of the consequences.

“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence”

The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence - Confucius Motivational Quotes

PERSONAL EXCELLENCE is the constant pursuit of self-improvement and potential fulfillment. It is the pursuit of excellence in all facets of life, such as personal success, spiritual life, mental health, and physical wellbeing. Most of the times, our lives are so busy that we neglect the things that truly matters. A powerful quote by Socrates says “Beware the bareness of a busy life”. We have to try not to be so preoccupied all the times and focus on the more important things in life.

In our daily lives as males, we compete. We are up against many opponents from around the world. If you want a girl, you must outcompete other men who have the same desire. If you started a business and another person had the same concept, you are now in competition with one another. Whether you like it or not, when you go to the gym, you are competing with the person who is on the same level as you. And that’s absolutely OK since competition motivates us to develop further. What motivates us as men is the desire to succeed and the will to win. These, according to Confucius, are the secrets of achieving personal excellence.

We must have the urge within us to win and to reach our fullest potential. Only then will we truly be able to reach that point of excellence.

“Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire”

Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire - Confucius Motivational Quotes

This is the “Golden Rule” one must live by. This must be the fundamental principle in our moral system. This principle is found in many different cultures and religions, and it is often stated in different ways. However, the basic idea is that one should treat others as they would like to be treated themselves. This means that if you do not want something to be done to you, you should not do it to others.

The Golden Rule promotes empathy and comprehension and can be used in a variety of contexts, such as interpersonal relationships, professional encounters, and political decision-making. We may make better moral decisions and build a society that is just and compassionate by taking into account how our actions may affect other people.

Of course, good intentions are never simple to put into practice, but realizing how our actions might affect other people may call for a lot of introspection and self-awareness. So, by deliberately implementing the Golden Rule in our daily lives, we can improve as individuals, become more moral, and improve the world for both ourselves and others.


Confucius was a man of great wisdom. I picked five of his best motivational quotes and expounded on them and got a few thousand words. We learned that:

  1. We have to keep in mind that success is a journey rather than a destination. It doesn’t matter how quickly you can get there; what matters is that you keep pushing through difficulties and challenges.
  2. I know it’s hard to do the right all the times. Sometimes, you might just fail but remember, the master himself said our greatest glory, is found in rising every time we fall rather than in never falling. Sometimes, you will mess up but as long as you rise again, you are victorious.
  3. It’s crucial to keep our emotions and actions in check as we go. Consider the repercussions before becoming angry.
  4. To achieve your maximum potential and open the door to personal excellence, you must have a strong drive to accomplish it as well as a strong will to win.
  5. The Golden Rule instructs us to not impose on others that which you do not wish on ourselves. To put it another way, treat others the way you want to be treated.

Please be encouraged, be empowered, be wise and keep moving forward. Thank you for your time, leave us a like and a comment.

3 responses to “5 Motivational Quotes by Confucius to Become a Better Person”

  1. […] The main focus of this quote is perseverance. It is the capacity to continue moving forward in the face of adversity. I know it may feel like you are going through an avenue in hell.  You are not the first and surely will not be the last. Everyone gets their fair share. So I implore you reader to show some resilience, keep going, don’t stop. This is just a phase in your journey to Personal Excellence.  […]

  2. The first quote is amazing in that I apply it to my running. Some days I’m not feeling it and can’t run as fast as I usually do, but as long as I complete the distance I’d promised myself, I don’t care if I walk it. Love the way you present the quotes!

    1. Same here man, I also run, and I tell myself that its better to walk then to give up entirely. Because in the end run or walk, you are still active.

      Thank you for reading, I really appreciate it!

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Hi, I’m Sonsonn. I am but a mere writer passionate about personal growth and helping others. Writing to excite and inspire readers to realize their greatest potential.


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